How do you make it through each day when you suffer the loss of a child, when there’s a pink slip on your desk, or when you lose your health or your spouse? How do you carry on with life when the ache inside for what has been taken seems completely overwhelming? Nathan and Connie Backstrom are people of deep faith in God, but three years ago they lost three of their teenage sons to a needless, brutal head-on collision with a drunk driver. Nathan and Connie have learned what many of us already know: We live in a random, deeply disappointing, often dangerous world. Nathan and Connie also struggled with the question: “How do you do life when God takes what matters most?”
Hosted by Joe Stowell
Runtime: 26 minutes
- Other parts of the series:
- When God Takes What Matters Most, Part II: The Mayer Family
Released: 2008
- Available for Purchase:
- When God Takes What Matters Most 2-Part DVD