Programs Category: Featured Programs

The Search for Meaning: Science & God

Using debate-tested conclusions and simple illustrations, Science & God examines the tension between science and religion to clarify the issues.

The Search for Meaning: What Matters

This documentary puts worldviews under the microscope and walks you through four predictable stages of life to help you sort out and process your quest for meaning.

The Jewish Roots of Christianity, Part I

Judaism and Christianity: Two spiritual points of view, seemingly worlds apart, yet sharing a common city, story, and Messianic hope. Discover the rich heritage of the Christian faith, which is grounded in the same Old Testament Scriptures as Judaism, and deepen your own understanding of the Scriptures. Join us as we venture into the Jewish roots of Christianity.

See and…

The 7 Churches of Revelation, Part I: Introduction—The Conquering King

Get a fresh perspective on the book of Revelation and Jesus’ message to churches in all times. Travel to the land of the Bible with host Joe Stowell to visit the ancient sites of the seven churches described in Revelation. Gain insights into God’s love for the world, His warning and correction for the churches, and His hope and encouragement…

The Dawning: Christianity in the Roman Empire, Part I

Take a closer look at the struggles faced by early Christians and their driving force to endure, as Dr. Joseph Stowell, President of Cornerstone University, takes you on an amazing journey to modern-day Rome. You’ll also visit Pompeii, Herculaneum, Ephesus, and other significant locations that reveal the formation of the Christian faith in the Roman Empire from a social, economic,…

Jesus the Messiah: Unlocking Old Testament Prophecy

The ancient Hebrew Scriptures predict the coming of a Messiah, who will rescue His people and bring peace and justice to the world. Throughout the centuries, Jesus’ followers have claimed that hundreds of these prophecies were fulfilled in Him.

The Calling of Billy Graham, Part I

Follow the spiritual journey of Billy Graham to see how God can use anyone willing to trust and obey Him.

A Christmas Journey to Freedom, Part 1

A Christmas journey unlike any you have ever taken before—a special holiday presentation about the journey of a runaway slave taken along the Underground Railroad. Featuring soloist Wintley Phipps, author and professor Dr. Allen Callahan, and actress Gwendolyn Briley-Strand as Harriet Tubman in the dramatic presentation, "A Christmas Journey to Freedom."

Other parts of the series:

A Christmas Journey to Freedom,…

Lord, I'm Yours: The Life of Billy Graham

Join us as we explore the life of one of God’s faithful servants, Billy Graham...

When Love Hurts: Understanding and Healing Domestic Abuse, When Abuse is Worse than Divorce, Part I

When a bride takes her vows, she doesn’t expect violence to mark her marriage. But sadly, for some that is the case. It’s probable that you know someone...

Disconnected, Part I

Drawing from research and sharing wisdom from the Word, foremost youth leaders and a psychiatrist offer insights into building authentic connections with virtually connected teens.

The Story of Eric Liddell: The Making Of A Champion, Part I

This program cannot be viewed online due to rights issues. However, the DVD is available for purchase. (DVD includes all three parts along with the bonus feature: Our Magic Circle.)

You may remember the 1981 Academy award-winning “Best Picture” Chariots of Fire. This film told the story of a courageous Scottish runner who won gold in the 1924 Olympics. But there is far…

A Life Rewritten: Marissa's Story

At age 14, Marissa Freyling was diagnosed with a life-threatening cancer; a decade of painful medical procedures followed. Only through God’s grace could she find purpose in her trials.

My Utmost for His Highest: The Legacy of Oswald & Biddy Chambers

Discover how you can leave a legacy of faith in this compelling presentation of the lives of Oswald Chambers and his wife, Biddy. Follow the spiritual journey of a man who gave his utmost for God’s highest, and of the woman who gave her husband’s words to the world.


Available for Purchase:
My Utmost for His Highest: The Legacy of…

John Wooden: They Called Him Coach, Part 3

Get a fascinating look into the life of legendary Coach John Wooden—his remarkable career and his personal values for successful living. This inspiring biography conveys the importance that Coach Wooden placed on integrity, belief in God, and concern for others.

Other Parts of the series:

Part 1John Wooden: They Called Him Coach

Part 2John Wooden: They Called Him Coach

Available for Purchase:

John Wooden:…

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