There’s a secret many men labor to conceal. It’s a secret that crosses all age, socioeconomic, and racial boundaries. It’s hiding an affair of the mind fueled by pornography. It starts with a quiet compromise. Soon, the shame and fear of being discovered, and the possibility of losing everything including those they love, keep men from revealing their secret obsession. They’re trapped and feel powerless to escape.
But there is hope for someone caught in the trap of pornography. The purpose of this series is to expose the dangers of pornography and to offer help and a way out for those caught by its seduction. You’ll hear firsthand from a husband and wife and three men who lived the nightmare and now work to expose the lies of pornography and help others by telling their stories.
- Other parts of the series:
- Trapped: Finding Freedom from Pornography, Part II
Released: 2008
- Available for Purchase:
- Trapped: Finding Freedom from Pornography 2-Part DVD